for all i know, i am
a museum of vacant stares
i pronounce myself little nigga of the void
a they fulla sockets—
more holes than i know what to do
with. find a bitch
slipping in + out theyself for
all i know i am a mumble rap
i study any
skt skt
for evidence i allegedly was once here
in a body so far removed
from diaspora i almost forgot that it is there a theoretical mass
i have yet to witness i was not made
for the eye to capture nor the tongue to
comprehend for the roof of the
mouth assigned mouth at birth
at night i crawl in through my lips
+ swallow thousands of me

kiki nicole is a Black, Queer, and Non-binary multimedia artist and poet. They’ve received invitations to fellowships such as Pink Door Writing Retreat, The Watering Hole, and Winter Tangerine. kiki hopes to lend a voice for the void in which Black femmes not only exist in plain view, but thrive. Find them at kikinicole.com.